national entity中文什么意思

发音:   用"national entity"造句
  • national:    adj. 1.民族的;国民的;国家的 ...
  • entity:    n. 1.实体;统一体。 2.存在( ...
  • the entity:    鬼恋; 灵体
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  1. On the study of national spirit : national entity and national spirit
  2. In the background of integrative economy all over world , forming and developing of global city is increasing , especially emergence new spatial city structure such as city cluster , metropolitan area , metropolis taenia , metropolis stretch and so on , its play a important role of cosmopolitan note city in the system of global city network , and more and more dominate global economical life line , in the meantime exceed national entity on the spatial power


  1. national enquires 什么意思
  2. national enquiry 什么意思
  3. national ensign 什么意思
  4. national enterprise 什么意思
  5. national enterprise board 什么意思
  6. national environment 什么意思
  7. national environment (of a species) 什么意思
  8. national environment agency 什么意思
  9. national environment policy act 什么意思
  10. national environment research park 什么意思


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